Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mary Brennan INN


We are all set for our annual visit to The Mary Brennan INN. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, February 16, 2013. As discussed, this year we will bring the following:



Monday, October 1, 2012

Your Voice...

Dear Future,
I've done all I can to help you, and I trust that you will do the right thing and I KNOW you will make this world a better place.


Ladies, I think each of you are very special individuals and have something special to bring to the table.  I want you to always speak out and be heard.  In our next meeting, bring two letters, one for Michelle Obama, the current firs lady and Honorary President of GSUSA.  The second should be to ANYONE you want; someone who inspired you, was nice to you, was mean to you, ANYTHING at all.  We will spend a few moments reading the letters.  I will bring the envelopes and stamps and you just have to remember your letters.
See you Soon!!


Save the date...

Please mark your calendars

Little Ladies: November 3 2012

My Lady Friends: December 15 2012