Sunday, April 22, 2012

Help Feed the Hungry

Together we can make a difference, 10 grains at a time!! 

In our last meeting, we discussed our continued efforts in giving back to our community and helping others. I came across a website that many of the girls are familiar with, the girls were excited to play computer games AND help feed the hungry.

Essentially, the group can play games in a variety of subjects and help feed the hungry. For every correct answer 10 grains of rice will be donated to the through the World Food Programme to help end hunger.

I set up a group account  so that we can all play along (parents too). Please feel free to tell your friends and family about what we are doing, I left the group as "open" so everyone is welcome to join our team.

To join our team:

go to

search for Super Troop 1092

Sort by Date ( created on 3/18/12, this should help narrow the search)

click join and follow the instructions provided.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.


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